Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday | Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer

Hey friends,

I hope you’re all doing well! Sorry for taking the last couple of days off. I’ve had some big news hit and just needed a few days to process the news and make some plans. Once things are more in stone, I will definitely clue you all in as soon as I can. But let’s not focus on that for now, let’s talk about this week’s anticipated release.

So, normally for my Waiting on Wednesday posts, I try to highlight an anticipated release for the following month, however, on Monday we got some super exciting news and I wanted to gush about it with you all!

For those of you not familiar, Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill over atΒ Breaking the Spine. This meme spotlights highly anticipated upcoming releases. 2020 has some amazing books coming out, this is a great way to highlight them since I’m pretty shit at doing anticipated release posts.

This week’s pick:

This week I’m discussing Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer

Okay, so my relationship with the Twilight series is long and complicated like may other teens from the early 2010s. I first read the book in 7th grade, fell in love with the series, and became obsessed. I outgrew and got sick of the series by 10th grade and went from leading the hype train in my school to loathing the series.

Then in college, I wanted to revisit Twilight to see how a 10-year break affected my thoughts on the book and talked about them all in one of my first reading vlogs.

I had the intent to reread the entire series, but that didn’t happen.

53287484._SY475_Then on Monday, Stephenie Meyer confirmed that after long last, Midnight Sun is FINALLY happening.

For those of you who were not following Meyer back in the day, Midnight Sum was supposed to be released years ago and is the entirety of Twilight from Edward’s point of view. The draft got leaked and Meyer axed the project. Several years and shades of grey later, we’re finally gettering the full, edited text and y’all I’m the MOST excited!

My fangirl self was born with my love of Harry Potter but cemented with my love for Twilight. I wish I had the pictures out here, but some of my friends and I went to Breaking Dawn’s midnight book release in Minneapolis, dressed up as the Cullen girls in a prom-style outfit, did a photoshoot at Glamour Shots (yours truly actually was hanging up in the store for a few months 😏), entered the costume contest (3rd place win!), and the trivia contest. When Twilight released in theatres, a bunch of us went to the midnight showing and just had a freaking blast.

Twilight, as a series, means the world to me and really helped me when transitioning to a new school in middle school and reminded me why I loved books so much (I’ve been a bookworm for years, but had ebbs and flows in my reading). The fact we’re finally getting the book from Edward’s POV is just so freaking exciting. Also, I lowkey loved the chapter of Midnight Sun that was leaked years ago and was really hoping we’d get the rest of the story.

Now don’t get me wrong, I fucking hate the cover and I think the Hades and Persephone retelling thing is a bit of a stretch, but like, I’m preordering this and dusting off all my Twilight merch.

Expect a reaction vlog near August 4th.

Are you planning on reading Midnight Sun?

Be sure to let me know below!

11 thoughts on “Waiting on Wednesday | Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer

  1. My 12 year old self is screaming right now! Even though I outgrew my twilight phase, it is the reason I love reading as much as I do today, and will forever have a place in my heart. I think it’s time for me to dust off the twilight books for a re-read..

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